
Wow!! What a quick, amazing year it has been. We cannot wait to welcome you to our graduation/moving on up ceremony on Thursday 4th of July at 11am in the hall.

-Just a couple of reminders for you:

– Please could all children come to the hall for 9am where the children will enjoy their summer party and food.

– The nursery building will be closed on Thursday so please can you ensure all your child’s belongings are collected by Wednesday.

– We also have lots of clothes in our lost property in the nursery. If items aren’t collected by Wednesday we will put them into our nursery spare clothes pile or to a charity. Thank you 🙂

– The school/nursery will be closing at 12pm FOR SUMMER!!!

On a final note, it will be Mrs Skinner’s last day on Thursday 4th of July as she has accepted a new post within the Highland Council.

Thank you for your continued support and help throughout the year. We wish all of our children who are are graduating into Primary One all the best, we know they will all be amazing! We look forward to welcoming our Nursery 3 children back after summer for another amazing year.

Sports Day

We had sports day last week with OJ and all the children were brilliant at running in their races.  Last week we had OJ join us to promote health and wellbeing within the nursery.  This entiled getting the children all ready and set for sports day by practicing different races.  The children were all keen to get involved and join in the fun which resulted in a successful sports day.

We had a great turn out of parents, family and friends so thank you to everyone that came along to suport us.  Also a massive thank you to OJ sports for organising everything!

Here’s a few photos from our day…

Nursery Trip – Helpers

We would love for those parents/carers who volunteered to help on our trip on Wednesday 19th of June to join us.

Unfortunately if you volunteered after Friday 14th of June, we now have all our helpers and do not require any more help.

Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered and we can’t wait to share all the fun with you.

Please remember appropriate clothing for your child and you e.g. Welly boots, waterproofs etc.

Junk Modelling

Junk modelling has been a huge hit in the ELCC lately. The children have been exploring what they can do with all the junk that we have in the ELCC. Children were using their imagination and made musical instruments from what they could find. What great excitement was in the ELCC (it was an extra noisy day!).

We have also been discussing a lot about recycling and reusing which the children have really taken on board and are enjoying the learning process of what they can recycle. We made our very own plant pots from newspaper which we then planted sunflowers seeds in. The children were all discussing how and why they were reusing the newspaper to make plant pots.


We are having a nursery trip to Abriachan forest on Wednesday 19th June. Letters have gone out in all the children’s boxes today. Could we request that the forms are completed and brought back to us by Friday please. We are needing lots of helpers for this trip so please let us know if you can help.

Thank you

Dates for Diary

Here are ELCC dates for your diary of everything that’s happening until the end of term:

Monday 27th May- P1 Transition morning 9.30-10.30

Wednesday 29th May- New ELCC parents induction evening 5.00-6.00pm

Monday 3rd June- Inservice Day (school and ELCC closed)

Monday 10th June- P1 Transition afternoon 1.45-2.45pm

Monday 10th June- P1 Transition parents information session 4pm

Tuesday 11th June- Sports Day 9-10am

Monday 24th June- new ELCC children invited in for a stay and play session 9.30-10.30

Tuesday 25th June- P1 Transition afternoon 12.00-2.45

Thursday 4th July- Graduation and moving on up presentation 11am

Thursday 4th July- all children to attend morning session- no afternoon session as the school will be closing at 12.

Special Visitor

The ELCC, had a very special visitor on Thursday… MRS PRITCHARD!! The children and staff were delighted to be welcomed with the pleasure of having Mrs P come join us for the end of the session where she kindly read a story to all the children (and staff). We are all going to miss Mrs P very very much and we wish her all the best.

Thank you so much for coming in to see us, we love you!! 🙂